BuildingEnergy NYC 2022 - Sessions by Room
Sessions in Club Parlor
Session Title | Time | Speakers | Areas of Focus |
Sealing the O&M Gap: Empowering Building Operators A building operator and a board member will discuss the evolving role of operators and the importance of training and operations and maintenance (O&M). This session will also explore free... Full Description |
10:30 am to 11:30 am |
Michaela Boren-Kapadia Martin Robertson Gerrit Geurs |
Operations and Maintenance Training and Workforce Development |
Breaking Ground on Geothermal and Thermal Energy Networks: A Pathway for Urban Areas Current pathways to carbon emission reductions are primarily driven through electrification of heating via heat pumps. Types of heat pump technology that are underutilized in the NYC area are... Full Description |
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm |
Donovan Gordon Dave Hermantin Mike Richter Jared Rodriguez |
Energy Production and Storage Health and Comfort Mechanical Systems and Lighting |
Fast Track to Equitable Electrification in NYC In 2021, HPD and NYSERDA launched a joint $24 million pilot giving direct grants to HPD Preservation projects to (holistically) electrify hot water, space heating or both. This was possible by... Full Description |
1:45 pm to 2:45 pm |
Wayne Swenson Jennifer Leone James Mannarino Crista Shopis |
Design Process Energy and Environmental Policy Justice and Equity Mechanical Systems and Lighting |
The Path to Greener HVAC Refrigerants Transitioning to Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants is outlined as a key strategy for New York State to achieve its long-term climate goals. During this session, you’ll gain a better... Full Description |
3:15 pm to 4:15 pm |
J. Kelly Hearnsberger Ben Hiller |
Codes and Standards Construction Process Energy and Environmental Policy Mechanical Systems and Lighting |