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Call to Action to NESEA members and fellow AIA members

AIA Resolution Vote

by Henry MacLean

BE Boston 23 RegistrantsBE Boston 24 RegistrantsBE Boston Past RegistrantsBusiness MemberCompany Record ManagerGreen Company ManagerMember
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I am reaching out to share this AIA resolution 15-6 to be voted on at the National AIA Convention on May 16th, which requests a new investigation into the WTC Building 7 failure on 9-11-01. Here is the brochure that was mailed out to the 300 AIA local chapters, WTC 7 AIA Convention pamphlet. For a quick overview of the Architects & Engineers for 911Truth  (A & E),  the 501c3 behind this resolution, I recommend this 15 minute video,  Solving the Mystery of Building 7.

I've been inspired to get involved in this effort from this work of the A & E technical and building professionals. This group includes scientists like National Medal of Science recipient Lynn Margulis, PhD, who claims in her interview that the scientific method was in fact not followed in the official government investigations. The full 90 minute film Experts Speak Out goes into much greater detail on what they have uncovered.

With Chris Gruener MA, LMHC of the Boston 911 Truth effort, we have submitted a workshop proposal for the ABX 2015 Conference  next November which Richard Gage AIA (founder of A & E for 911 Truth) has agreed to speak at, if accepted. Mr Gage is currently on a month long European Tour sharing this message.

Our Mission

NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.

Henry MacLean AIA, LEED AP is an architect, educator, and principal of his firm Timeless Architecture. Promoting green design in the northeast since 1987 as an active member of the Boston Society of Architects, he has developed curricula and taught at the Sustainable Design Institute (at the Boston Architectural College) and the Architecture Dept. at Wentworth Institute of Technology. He chaired the Town of Milton Alternate Energy committee between 2006 and 2015 (where he lives and works) and has has been an active member of NESEA since 1992.

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BE Boston 23 RegistrantsBE Boston 24 RegistrantsBE Boston Past RegistrantsBusiness MemberCompany Record ManagerGreen Company ManagerMember

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