I want to introduce you to a new Student Scholarship Competition that NESEA is rolling out for BE '16 called "BE The Future". For $250, your selected student will get a full-day pass to BuildingEnergy 2016, and Membership to NESEA for 1 year - and your company will have access to the best potential hires coming out of our local universities.
The future of NESEA relies of the next generation of inspired graduates who are planning to enter a field related to sustainability in the built environment, and your company deserves to get the first and best chance to hire the ones who are most talented and most aligned with your mission.
My firm Kaplan Thompson Architects did a dry run last year and saw all these benefits, which makes it very easy for me to enthusiastically vouch for it. You can read a previous blog post from last year’s winner here.
His name is Adam Wallace and he’s made a great employee since his hire a couple months ago. His school, University of Maine at Augusta, has a new-found knowledge of NESEA. Plus now that they know it led to a job for the winner, they have more incentive to get involved going forward.
Some of you have heard me speak excitedly about this already. I’ll be speaking to my fellow Bottom Lines participants about it directly in the coming weeks. We will be looking for commitments before the end of October, and a number of you are already on board. The attached memo outlines it in detail.
I look forward to talking to you and NESEA is open to tweaking the program prior to rollout if people think of additional ways we can use it to benefit all of us!
Phil Kaplan
Our Mission
NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.
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