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Watt It Will Take to Decarbonize: Boston’s New Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance

The City of Boston is on the cutting edge of emissions performance standards for existing buildings. Staff from the City’s Environment Department will present on Boston’s new Building Emissions Reduction Ordinance (BERDO 2.0). The purpose of this session will be to engage building and energy professionals on pathways that help owners comply with the new standard. The speakers will present on the requirements of the ordinance, compliance mechanisms, the ongoing regulations development process, and resources to assist owners in complying. To ground the conversation, example buildings will be used to illustrate concepts, demonstrate decision points, and highlight financing opportunities.

Session Speaker(s): 

Session Chair(s): 

Event Time: 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Room / Location:
Marina 3

CEU Information: 

Attendance for each full conference day offers 4.5 credit hours for both RESNET and MA CSL licensure.

CEU Credits: 

NARI: 1 Hour
PHIUS: 1 Hour

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain how to translate building energy consumption into GHG emissions, BERDO-style
  • Describe the compliance mechanisms and options in Boston’s BERDO policy
  • Consider how BERDO may impact the work of attendees and/or their building(s)
  • Identify available financial support for building decarbonization upgrades

Session ID: 


Session Documents: