Talents to Share:
My abilities to instigate, to multi-solve, and to find and celebrate joy.
As far as instigation, I am very aware of the limits of the world and our organization's goals and abilities, but I never hesitate to ask what the potential is in doing things differently or in exploring an emergent opportunity or capability.
Multi-solving is truly a super-power we should all cultivate. It helps us to build community by connecting across the false silos created in the business, building, government, and NFP arenas. It joins people and ideas for great traction and power.
Finally, my ability to find joy and celebrate is valuable. The work we do is hard. It is easier with others and with a view to celebration the process and intent and even to celebrate what some may think of as "failures", because these failures give us the information we need to then succeed.
History with NESEA:
Quite some time, though the shared knowledge continues to make me feel like a newbie! I attended my first conference in the early 2000's, I think, and was sparked by a few of the presenters. "What a great community of learning and experience!" I first presented in 2004, and have presented often since, engaged in content committee work, joined working groups, been a co-Chair of the NYC conference, and been a committed lover/partner of NESEA all the way.
Motivation to Join the Board:
Connections and process.
I feel that NESEA is one of the few communities I have ever engaged with that strikes the balance between structure and evolution well. This allows for real connections between humans for exemplary growth and joy. My focus is process, and being on the board puts me in the middle of building and refining and radically changing that process as needed. And I get to do this with giving, collaborative, curious humans that never let me rest on my achievements. And I work to do the same for them.
Passions and Interests:
"Cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn."
This is the mojo we need to become, once again, in harmony with the system of Nature, with each other, and with our future. This makes me all-in through collaboration, curiosity, and real exploration of what is possible for us to reach for, together.