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Transformations, Inc. was the Builder and the Solar Installer.

#21 Laurel Street is one of four homes built by Transformations in the Southern part of the Village Hill community development by MassDevelopment.  When the 2015 homes are summarized, #21 Laurel Street will likely be one of the most efficient single family homes built in Massachusetts, based on the HERS Index of -14.  This Greek Revival design has been a popular model.

Quick Facts


Location Northampton, Massachusetts
Building Type Singe family residence
Project Type Zero Energy
Basis of Performance Claim Modeled
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 2.5
Conditioned Floor Area 1,721 sq ft
Total Cost of Project $390,365

Energy Summary

Energy Data Type Modeled
Renewable Energy System Type(s)
HERS Index -14

Envelope and Mechanicals

Subslab assembly

2" of rigid under the basement slab.

Foundation wall assembly

3" of high density foam.

Above grade wall assembly

12" of double studded wall mostly filled with medium density foam.

Air Changes per hour, ACH50 1.35 ACH50