Building Blocks for Green Master Planning: A Hands-on Introduction to LEED ND
This engaging, hands-on workshop will give participants a “learning by doing” introduction to sustainable site planning principles and USGBC’s LEED for Neighborhood Development program. The workshop will begin with a short introduction. Then, using case studies developed from actual site designs, participants will complete a series of guided exercises in small teams to develop their own plans for these sites using wooden building blocks on top of the case study site plan. Teams will test development feasibility, do site design, and apply LEED ND credits to their plans. By comparing the workshop team designs and considering the actual plans, participants will explore the many ways that sustainable design principles can be applied to site planning. Teams will also gain experience with applying LEED ND prerequisites and credits to their site plans. This workshop is designed for participants of all skill levels—no prior design or planning experience needed