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O&M Stories in MF Housing: Challenges, Solutions & Results

In the world of multi-family housing every operational dollar is earmarked, budgeted, and designated. For both Selfhelp Community Services, owning/operating 960 units, and POAH, owning/operating 8500 units, this rings especially true. Both organizations have worked to create operational plans and protocol, short and long term goals to reduce energy spending, and have thought creatively about how to manage, track, and create change within their organizations. With technical assistance to support both organizations and build capacity, they have telling results, some failed experiments, and also successful solutions that are working well to save energy and reduce costs. In this session you will hear how both organizations tackled similar hardships, how they reduced energy and water spend with little upfront capital. Both organizations learned how to use data to monitor and understand consumption, and expanded their capacity for energy and water management through systems, trainings and drawing on technical experts where needed.

Event Time: 

Thursday, March 10, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Room / Location: 


Learning Objectives: