General Energy Use, Strategies and Systems

Energy Use:

high-efficiency heat pumps
ERV to reduce heat loss
EV charges simply from an outdoor outlet

Energy Strategies:

We decided to go all-electric as that allows us to most easily source our fuel sustainably. By eliminating fossil fuels from all of our heating, cooking, and even transportation, we are able to immediately purchase green energy even though we can't put PV right on our roof.

Zero Net Energy Definition Used Site Energy Use

Monthly Energy Data and Utilities

Energy Data Type:
Electric Utility:
National Grid
Gas Utility:
Other purchased Fuels:


Datasets and utility bills sources and reliability:

power company, highly reliable


Cogeneration System Description:


Renewables and Energy Balance

Renewable Energy Sources:
Clean energy is imported from off-site (e.g. utility wind power), or renewable energy certificates (RECs) are purchased
Renewable Energy System Description & Details
photovoltaic array: share of an off-site, community system
Annual renewable energy generated 10,535 kWh
Annual Renewable Energy Generated Data Type Modeled
Power Rating Renewable Energy System Type(s) Source of Annual Production Data
7,550Watts Photovoltaics estimated by Community Solar

Storage and Installed Capacity

Energy Storage type

minor thermal mass of building itself

Energy Storage Capacity

Annual Energy Import/Export

Electricity amount (imported from grid) 8,428 kWh/year
Net electricity usage (purchased electricity) -2,107 kWh/year
Electricity amount (credited or exported to grid) 10,535 kWh/year