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Creating a Culture of Energy Responsibility: How to Move Americans to Make the Right Moves

Americans say energy efficiency and renewables are important, and that they’re worried about their ability to pay for energy in the future, our dependence on foreign countries and depleting resources. But what are they doing about it?
Research shows Americans’ propensity to act on energy generation and efficiency options is in a three-year decline. Why?

-  Most don’t think they have a problem when it comes to conserving energy.
-  They don’t understand what we’re talking about. You’ll be shocked at how few common terms they understand and at what they think we mean when we talk about energy efficiency.
-  After “being good” during the recession, they don’t want to do anything else. They want manufacturers, builders and governments to do it for them.

This session will dig into these insights and address what we need to do to overcome the objections and apathy and move Americans forward. 

Session Speaker(s): 

Event Time: 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 9:00pm to 10:30pm

Room / Location: 

Harborview 1

CEU Information: 

1.5 AIA, BPI, GBCI Continuing Education Units Available.

Learning Objectives: