BuildingEnergy 15 Schedule: Special Events

Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Event Time/Place
Opening Plenary: Net Zero Energy Coalition North American Leadership Summit

Kickoff to a three day meeting for zero net energy policy makers and industry leaders. BuildingEnergy attendees are welcome at the Summit Opening Plenary. However, full Summit registration is required to attend the subsequent workshops. 


7:30 pm to 8:45 pm

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 to Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Event Time/Place
Community Forum: Drink and Crit, With a Toast to Bruce Coldham

Networking reception followed by a group toast to Bruce Coldham, NESEA icon, lifetime NESEA member and active participant in the organization for most of its past 40 years. Next Join Emcee Jesse Thompson and watch as your favorite NESEA architects and designers bravely pin up and shut up before fellow architects, engineers, builders and energy professionals. Four projects, two cross-disciplinary juries and hours of talk provided by your friends and colleagues, over cocktails, which just makes the discussion more, well...vibrant. It'll be beautiful and geeky.

Harborview Ballroom

10:00 pm to 1:00 am

Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Event Time/Place
Opening Plenary With Keynote Address: Rethinking The Grid - How Our Changing Electrical System Will Impact The Ways We Produce, Distribute And Use Energy

Most of us take the electrical grid for granted. But it is perhaps the most complex technological achievement in human history. After more than a century of relative stability, the grid is changing fast. Our conference plenary will explore the technology and policy solutions evolving to enable a more reliable, resilient, environmentally responsible and affordable electricity grid.

1:45 pm to 3:00 pm

Zero Net Energy Building Award Presentation

Presentation of $10,000 to the winner of NESEA's Zero Net Energy Building Award.

3:00 pm to 3:30 pm

High-Performance, Green Homes in Residential Real Estate (RE86R14)

Instructor Craig Foley will present three topics focused on the emerging high-performance housing market in Massachusetts. The first is an overview of the real estate value chain– green builders and contractors, listing agents, the green MLS, appraisers, lenders, and homeowners – and how it relates to the proper valuation of more efficient homes.

Waterfront 1

3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Zero-Net Working Panel

Meet the owners, designers and building team for inside details on the winning entry for NESEA's Zero Net Energy Building Award.

Beacon Hill Complex

5:45 pm to 6:45 pm

Trade Show Reception

Your chance to walk around the show floor and see the newest products and technologies. Cash bar and light appetizers. Sponsored By Cape Light Compact.

Trade Show Floor

10:30 pm to 11:30 pm

Tour of Passive House Place

Katrin Klingenberg of Passive House Institute, U.S., leads a tour on the trade show floor highlighting the most popular products used by designers and builders of Passive Houses throughout the U.S. 

Meet at the NESEA booth, #507, at 5:40pm.


Trade Show Floor Booth #507

10:45 pm to 11:15 pm

Thursday, March 5, 2015
Event Time/Place
Residential Energy Code Workshop: Envelope and Building Science

Learn about the new residential energy code as it applies to the enclosure and best practices for better buildings.  This training will review strategies that do and do not work as they apply to foundations through roofs.  Using real-world examples we will explore how to comply with the new residnetial energy code and build cost-effective high performance homes. 

Waterfront 2

2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Best Practices for the Whole Home Heat Pump Solution
Learn how Inverter Driven Heat Pump systems can be used in your next high performance design. Information will be provided about the types of systems available and how they should be properly applied.
Sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric

Waterfront 1

3:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Lunch Session with Tedd Benson: The Future of Homebuilding Can't Wait: Making Sustainable, Low Energy Dwellings the Norm

It is said that homebuilding can look back at 300 years of history unimpeded by progress. It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but the energy-sucking, defect prone truth is unacceptable. Homeowners, society, and even the health of our planet have been underserved by the quality standard of our homes. As the vicious cycle of climate change accelerates, we must achieve a home quality paradigm shift now. That will mean thinking differently, acting differently, and doing differently.

Beacon Hill Complex

5:30 pm to 6:45 pm

Commercial Energy Code Workshop: Envelope and Building Science

The 2012 International Energy Conservation Code provides stricter requirements for the building envelope and higher levels of energy efficiency. This interactive training is designed to educate participants on those commercial requirements while explaining the building science fundamentals behind the code with  examples and photographs. The focus is on the enclosure in new construction and remodel/renovation projects. Pathways for commercial code compliance will also reviewed.

Waterfront 2

6:30 pm to 10:00 pm

Closing Forum: 100 Years of Experience

The closing forum will feature 6 Pecha Kucha 20x20 presentations (20 slides, each for 20 seconds) followed by a discussion moderated by Matt Root. Participants will include three sages—John Abrams, Chuck Silver and Terry Brennan and three rising stars - Declan Keefe, Ace McArleton and Stephanie Horowitz. In 90 minutes, this session will teach you more about building, design, business, and life than you could learn in 10 years on your own.

9:00 pm to 10:30 pm