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Join Bottom Lines

A group of people discussing their businesses together

Joining the Bottom Lines Program

Thank you for your interest in becoming a BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines member.

Note: We are pleased to be able to offer a scholarship to support the participation of a BIPOC-owned business.

Your next steps:

  1. Introduce yourself! Contact Florence MacGregor,, to express your interest in the program/ask any initial questions that you may have.
  2. Complete a short intake form so we can learn more about your company and goals. (You'll need to be logged into your account to access the form).
  3. Participate in a casual informational interview with a current program participant and a facilitator. You'll have a chance to ask questions about the program and share more about your business.
  4. Based on what we've learned in your interview, we'll make a recommendation about which group would be the best fit.

Please note that while the ability to participate in the program is a benefit of NESEA Business Membership, you do not need to be a current member to begin the conversation about joining.


The fee structure for participating in BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines is based on a company's gross annual revenue and is broken down as follows:

Gross Annual Revenue Annual Program Fee
<$500k $1,936
$500k-$1.5m $2,541
$1.5m-$3m $3,146
$3m-$5m $4,356
>$5m $5,566


What's Included

Annual dues for BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines participants include:

  • A portion of meeting space and equipment during each gathering (2x/year)
  • NESEA staff logistical and administrative support for each gathering and between gatherings
  • Facilitator compensation
  • Access to the Basecamp online community
  • Access to any special pilot projects, such as webinars
  • Invitation to attend the annual whole-network gathering

Our Mission

NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.