Norwich House

Project Subtitle: 

Norwich Vermont Residence

Project Description: 

We began with the idea of creating a structure that took its shape from the landscape. With compound angles of roof and walls we wanted the house to fold sculpturally into the south facing hill with a dynamic and textural form. We designed and detailed the building envelope so that the complex geometry could be constructed with simple conventional methods and still maximize thermal efficiency, passive solar gain and meet the Passive House Standard.

Using a combination of galvalume and fiber cement siding with a drainage and ventilation plane this house will be extremely durable and last for many years to come. The house has very high insulation values; R35 for below grade walls, R61 above grade and an R74 roof. All windows are very efficient passive house certified and we placed them very carefully throughout to allow maximum day lighting and views. We eliminated all thermal bridges using double stud walls and other techniques. 90% of the insulation is cellulose.  The space heat demand on this house is a very low 3.81 kBTU/sf/yr which only required one cold climate heat pump for the entire building. The house uses a waste water heat recovery drain, coupled with low flow shower heads and a heat pump hot water heater this yields very low energy and water consumption. The roof holds a 9 KW PV system and the house has been operating at net zero energy use.  



Building Type Summary: 

single-family residence

Other Awards: 

Efficiency Vermont's Best of the Best Comprehensive Efficiency Honor Award in 2014

VGBN 2014 Vermont’s Greenest Building – Residential

VGBN 2014 Net Zero Recognition


159 Tilden Hill Rd
Norwich, VT 05055
United States



Lat. / Long.: 

POINT (-72.3093491 43.7526838)

Location Type: 


Climate Region: 

Zone 6

Annual HDD : 


Number of stories: 


Conditioned Floor Area: 

2 300

Conditioned Building Volume: 

43 161

Unconditioned Floor Area: 


Multiple buildings?: 

Total number of units in project (all buildings): 


Total floor area of project (all buildings): 

3 100


Completion date: 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Site description: 

Existing modular home, given to habitat for humanity. Contours Sloping south

Energy Highlights: 

cold climate heat pump

9 KW Photo-voltaic system

HERS Index: 


Energy Star Score: 


Net electricity usage (purchased electricity): 


Subslab assembly: 

Native Subgrade or compacted fill, 6" min. granular backfill to 95% of max. density, 6" crushed gravel, 2 layers of 5" rigid insulation- with staggered joints ( use high-density EPS, type IX, 2 lbs. per cu. ft., 10 mil. poly vapor barrier or equivalent, 6x6- W2.9xW2.9 welded wire fabric(no fiberglass if grinding slab)


5+ ENERGY STAR Rated (2 HERS Score)

Efficiency Vermont High Performance Home Program Gold Tier

Energy Strategies: 

The house has very high insulation values; R35 for below grade walls, R61 above grade and an R74 roof. All windows are very efficient passive house certified and we placed them very carefully throughout to allow maximum day lighting and views. We eliminated all thermal bridges using double stud walls and other techniques. 90% of the insulation is cellulose. The space heat demand on this house is a very low 3.81 kBTU/sf/yr which only required one cold climate heat pump for the entire building. The house uses a waste water heat recovery drain, coupled with low flow shower heads and a heat pump hot water heater this yields very low energy and water consumption. The roof holds a 9 KW PV system and the house has been operating at net zero energy use.

Energy Use and Production Documentation: 

Number of Bathrooms: 


Site conditions: 

previously developed land
preexisting structure(s)

Renewable Energy Sources: 

Renewable energy is generated within the building footprint (e.g. solar PV on the roof)

Number of Bedrooms: 




Zero Net Energy Definition Used: 


Basis of Performance Claim: 


Type of Construction: 


Renewable Energy System Type(s): 


Days per year Building is fully occupied: 


Submitter Contact Email: 

Submitter Contact Phone Number: 

(802) 735-1286

Project Type: 

Zero Energy
