Walls and Roof

Subslab assembly

6” Type II EPS with 10 mil poly air.vapor barrier taped to sidewall polyiso

Subslab R-value 24.0
Slab edge assembly

4” EPS

Slab edge R-value 16.0
Foundation wall assembly

Conventional 10” concrete foundation with 2” polyiso and 5 ½” densepack cellulose

Foundation wall R-value 32.0
Above grade wall assembly

“Sandwich Wall:” a double stud 12" wall with dense pack cellulose in the 2x6 exterior and 2x4 interior frame walls, 24" on center exterior walls and 3” polyiso foam panels in the center – interior wall is for mechanicals

Above grade wall R-value 51.0
Cathedral ceiling assembly

Raised heel scissor truss ceiling: 24” loose fill cellulose over taped OSB sheathing air barrier – vented attic space

Cathedral ceiling R-value 84.0

Windows and Doors

Window Assembly:

Schuco E+ tilt turn

Door Assembly:

o U=0.106 SHGC 0.62 south and north facades
o U=0.088 SHGC 0.37 east and west facades

Average window U-factor 0.10
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.55

Mechanical Systems

Space cooling - Manufacturer & Model Fijitsu
Space heating - Manufacturer & Model Fijitsu
Ventilation - Manufacturer & Model Zehnder
Lighting Manufacturer and Model
Lighting Efficiency


Air Changes per hour, ACH50 0.49 ACH50
Air Changes per hour, CFM50