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NESEA 2020: What We Accomplished Together

by Miriam Aylward

BE Boston Past RegistrantsBE NYC Past RegistrantsBusiness MemberGreen Company ManagerMember
Monday, December 21, 2020

NESEA is an extraordinary community of practitioners that is transforming our built environment by cultivating relationships, sharing lessons learned, and challenging the status quo. We’re so proud of what we accomplished together over the last year!

Please consider donating or pledging to help us meet our annual goal of $50,000 (we’re 70% of the way there!). Your contribution will help us continue to offer great programming in 2021.

In 2020, we ran 36 events: 5 in-person and 31 virtual. Some key moments included:

2020 Keynote Address

Reverend Mariama White-Hammond provided the keynote address "Becoming Transformative Placemakers" at BuildingEnergy Boston. She provided social and historical context to the built environment in which we do our work and called on us to do better, learn more, and challenge more. Watch the keynote here.

Webinar Series

We launched a webinar series on topics ranging from refrigerants to DERs, natural building materials, and large-scale affordable urban Passive House projects. Thanks to support from donors and sponsors, we were able to offer this series for free and reached thousands of people across the Northeast and beyond. Check out the webinars here.

Virtual Product Demos

Industry partners found new ways to share their work with the NESEA community, including live product demos. Pictured here is a demo from NESEA Member Ben Graham of Gryphon by New Frameworks, a company that manufactures high-performance doors insulated with wool and mycelium.

Virtual Conferences

BuildingEnergy Boston and NYC collectively brought together 1500 people to learn from each other in an entirely new format. 10 sessions are available at no charge through our partner, HeatSpring. A huge thank you to our Boston & NYC Content Committees for their guidance and hard work!

Emerging Professionals

We offered 28 students and emerging professionals access to NESEA’s content and community through our BE the Future scholarship program. 67 students of academic members were able to attend the conferences free of charge.

Virtual Pro Tours

We ran 5 virtual Pro Tours in 2020, featuring projects ranging from North America’s largest affordable Passive House in NYC to an 1890s farmhouse retrofitted to a super-insulated commercial space in northern New Hampshire. Through a mix of presentation, video, and group breakouts, attendees were able to directly ask questions to content experts and meet new people in our community.

To read more about what NESEA has accomplished in the past year, check out our FY20 Annual Report. Thank you for being part of our community, and we look forward to engaging with you in 2021. Please consider donating or pledging to help us meet our goal and continue our important work together.


Our Mission

NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.

As Director of People & Operations, Miriam is responsible for managing all aspects of the human resources and operational functions at HELM, and plays an integral role in developing and implementing strategies, procedures and business plans. She has worked with non-profits and mission-driven organizations for over 15 years.

Prior to joining HELM, Miriam served as Chief Operating Officer at Terra Praxis, a global nonprofit accelerating the integration of emission-free heat sources in existing energy infrastructure, and Executive Director of the Northeast Sustainable Energy...

Miriam Aylward's picture
BE Boston Past RegistrantsBE NYC Past RegistrantsBusiness MemberGreen Company ManagerMember

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