Project Subtitle:
Project Description:
This projects describes the steps taken to retrofit an exsiting single family home in Cupertino California to be net energy positive including daily transportation needs. The house has maintained net energy positive status for 5 years straight showing the sustainability of the approach. No major sacrifices were made in the comfort and convinienece of the household members in the process.
Building Type Summary:
Lat. / Long.:
Location Type:
Köppen Climate Type:
Climate Region:
Solar Insolation:
Annual HDD :
Annual CDD:
HDD Base Temp:
CDD Base Temp:
Occupancy Type and Details:
Owner occupied. 4 full time occupants. 2 adults and 2 children. Both adults working. Children go to school. 5 weeks per year average unoccupied due to vacations. Occasional guests.
Conditioned Floor Area:
Conditioned Building Volume:
Unconditioned Floor Area:
Multiple buildings?:
Total number of units in project (all buildings):
Total floor area of project (all buildings):
Completion date:
Site description:
Normal suburban plot about 6000 sq ft. Street has houses on both sides. Backs to another similar house on a similar street at the back.
House built to California Code in 1997. Nothing special. Stucco on frame. Concrete slab. Insulation is wall and attic according to code. Double pane windows. Wooden doors. Has large south facing roof suitable for solar panels. Also not of South facing windows to let in winter sun.
Energy Highlights:
All electric home. Natural gas completely disconnected for 5 years now. 2 EV charging stations - 1 level 2, 1 level 1
Annual renewable energy generated:
Electric Utility Company:
Gas Utility Company:
Datasets and Utility Bills sources and reliability:
Completely reliable as the bills and usage data used are actual ones from PG&E.
Electricity amount (imported from grid):
Electricity amount (credited or exported to grid):
Net electricity usage (purchased electricity):
Natural gas amount (purchased energy):
Energy Strategies:
Increase efficiency thorough reasonable retrofits. Electrify everything by eliminating natural gas appliances. Convert automobiles to EVs. Monitor energy usage for a year. Install net-metered solar system sized to cancel out all the used electricity over the year.
Energy Use and Production Documentation:
Project Photos: