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Connecting the Dots: Aligning Policy, Programs and Funding

Over the past decade, state and municipal jurisdictions have adopted increasingly ambitious climate action plans and goals for the reduction of building energy consumption. However, the devil is in the details! Regulations and policies relating to utility incentives, local zoning, building codes, and finance mechanisms often fall far short of big picture goals. This workshop will host a robust discussion and identify actionable solutions to align energy policies, programs, and funding to meet state and municipal climate goals. Various facets will be considered, such as affordable housing finance and regulation, municipal ordinances to reduce existing building energy consumption and cost implications for building owners, and more.

Session Chair(s): 

Event Time: 

Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 10:30am to 12:00pm

Room / Location: 

Marina 1

Experience Level: 

1 (no prior experience/knowledge needed)

CEU Information: 

AICP 1.5 Comprehensive Planning credits

Learning Objectives:

Session ID: 
