Net Zero Carbon Roadmap for a College Campus
The path of net zero carbon must be carefully assessed, especially if we are laying out the roadmap for a college campus with historic buildings and aging infrastructure. In this session, we will explain how we developed a net zero carbon campus master plan through discussions between the owner, architect and energy consultants. We will include a case study of three building typologies from the ideal scenario through the factors driving the integrative process to achieve net zero design. We will discuss the three-pronged approach to discover, analyze, and strategize at the building operations level, district level, policy level, and more.
Session Speaker(s):
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CEU Information:
Approved for 1 credit hour toward AIA (LU|HSW), BPI, GBCI (BD+C, ID+C, WELL), and BOC certification. Credit is offered for the full conference day toward NARI, PHI, Phius, and RESNET certification.
Learning Objectives:
- Define the three prong approach for net zero carbon road mapping for historic building retrofit
- Assess how to approach climate action plans, sustainability guidelines, and owners’ project manuals to include decarbonization
- Evaluate other factors to consider when thinking about decarbonization effects on occupant health
- Identify potential roadblocks for college campus projects, and address them using lessons learned from the University at Albany
Session Documents: