Ellen is responsible for developing educational programs for Urban Green's signature programs including GPRO, a national green building certificate program for Contractors, Building Managers/Operators and Trades and Conquering the Energy Code, a training program for Architects and Engineers.
Ellen has 28 years experience as an architect and volunteered for Urban Green for several years before joining the staff. Ellen was the first Residential Green Building Advocate for Urban Green Council, working to increase green building and LEED for Homes certification in the New York residential marketplace.and was also a committee chair of the Green Codes Task Force. In addition, Ellen taught at the 1,000 Green Supers program for SEIU Local 32 BJ Thomas Shortman Training Fund, and holds a number of BPI certifications.
Ellen is a co-founder of Solarize Brooklyn, and Sustainable Kensington Windsor Terrace.
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