Designing and Building High-Performance Businesses
NESEA has long been a community in which practitioners help each other design and construct better buildings by sharing experiences of what worked and — often even more important — what didn’t work. NESEA’s BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines program extends that practice to designing and building better businesses.
This workshop, guided by Bottom Lines facilitators, will be an open discussion of current hot business topics: succession planning and exit strategies, carbon impact assessments, attracting and retaining top talent, making the transition from firefighting to fire prevention in your management practices, and other questions you bring. Please join us and get a sense of all that you can learn from your peers — and what they can learn from you in return.
By participating in this workshop you’ll be able to get a taste of the Bottom Lines experience. Bottom Lines currently encompasses 50 companies organized into 5 groups, collectively representing hundreds of people and over $75 million in revenues and all eager to improve their triple bottom lines (people, planet, profits). Groups meet twice a year for two days for intense peer-to-peer learning and coaching, and take advantage of other opportunities during the year, such as on-line forums and an annual gathering, to continue the peer-to-peer exchanges.
This workshop is sponsored by NESEA:
Event Time:
Room / Location:
CEU Information:
BENYC18-W3: AIA 3.0 LU; BPI 3.0
Session Documents: