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Hot Topics in Clean Heat: Massachusetts’ Roadmap to 2050

Massachusetts recently released its 2050 Decarbonization Roadmap, a nation-leading quantitative and qualitative planning effort which charted a pathway to equitably and cost-effectively achieve the Commonwealth’s ambitious net zero emissions target. With direct emissions from buildings representing the second largest source of greenhouse gases in Massachusetts, the Roadmap lays out the broad transformation and unprecedented pace that will be needed across the state’s two plus million buildings. This session will explore how green building professionals fit into this roadmap over the next three decades, what needs to be changed to get the job done (especially for existing buildings), and why we should work together to achieve system transformation and net-zero emissions. It will also lay out the critical trends that will dominate the building space going forward and identify opportunity areas for building professionals.

Event Time: 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Session ID: 
