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How To Prepare For High Performance Windows

Your windows are nice, but how’s your install? Windows are often big, heavy, fragile, and in high performance buildings, windows are the most expensive components. When you pay for all that performance, you also want to make sure windows are properly installed. It’s about your building enclosure: one wrong move and your exterior walls can also suffer expensive damage. Optimal window installs take into account vapor drive at different times of year, and take steps to super-insulate the window frames for the best thermal performance. In this workshop we look at window installations that are airtight and correctly flashed – and as a result will last the life of the building. A proper window install will bump up your building’s comfort and efficiency, while ensuring that your walls stay dry. With both presentation and hands-on mock-ups, the workshop aims to provide tools for simple and effective high performance window installations.


Event Time: 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm

Room / Location: 

Cambridge Complex

CEU Information: 
