Masters Blog

The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association is a community of member practitioners who hone each other's skills and approaches to sustainability in business, life, and community. As leaders naturally emerge, NESEA is proud to feature their voices in our Masters Blog, comprised of well-researched articles and high-level discourse by some of the best minds of energy and building science.

Michael Duclos's picture

BE Boston 19 RegistrantsBE Boston 20 RegistrantsBE Boston 21 RegistrantsBuildingEnergy 16 Full Conference

Posted on 03/31/2015
The energy crisis of the 70's kicked off a renewed interest in using energy directly from the sun to heat our homes. Energy prices soon retreated, as did most, but not all interest.
Posted on 02/17/2015

For more than 100 years, taxpayers, ratepayers, investors, and policymakers have supported the growth and operations of the electric utility industry. The ratemaking formula, under which capital...

Matt Root's picture

BE Boston 19 RegistrantsBE Boston 20 RegistrantsBE Boston 21 RegistrantsBE Boston 22 RegistrantsBE Boston 23 RegistrantsBE Boston 24 RegistrantsBE NYC 20 RegistrantsBoard MemberBuildingEnergy 16 Full ConferenceBusiness MemberMember

Posted on 02/16/2015

Multifamily ventilation is changing. The standard practice of exhausting from the residential units and pressurizing the hallways while undercutting the unit entry doors is becoming a strategy of...

Robert Leaver's picture

BuildingEnergy 16 Full ConferenceCompany Record Manager

Posted on 02/16/2015

"May we live in interesting times," goes the ancient Chinese saying, conveying both a blessing and a warning.

Andrea Love's picture

BE Boston 22 Registrants

Posted on 02/16/2015

Glazed towers dominate the skylines of our cities. However, most have been designed with little thought as to the climate in which they are located or the environmental impact they might have.

Phil  Kaplan's picture

BE Boston 19 RegistrantsBE Boston 20 RegistrantsBE Boston 21 RegistrantsBE Boston 22 RegistrantsBE Boston 23 RegistrantsBE Boston 24 RegistrantsBE NYC 19 RegistrantsBE NYC 20 RegistrantsBE NYC 23 RegistrantsBottom Lines - Mighty 5BuildingEnergy 16 Full ConferenceBusiness MemberCompany Record ManagerGreen Company ManagerMemberWebform Results Access

Posted on 02/04/2015

In the Northeast, there is a proud history of the craftsman, the homebuilder, the DIY hero and heroine. They work with sturdy tools, with local materials, with real wood.