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NESEA Member News Submission

The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) typically publishes its NESEA Monthly e-newsletter on the first Wednesday of each month. This important communications tool delivers timely information on NESEA initiatives, highlights upcoming events and shares news and events from members. NESEA members are encouraged to submit upcoming events and news items for publication in Members Monthly using the form below. The deadline for inclusion an event/news item is the Wednesday prior to publication. NESEA Industry Supporter and Industry Leader Members can also request to have this news shared on NESEA's social media accounts (please indicate this request in the description field below).

If you want a copy sent to a different email address, enter that here.
What should the title of your content be? EG: Solar Conference May 25th: Free to NESEA members
Descriptions are limited to 400 characters with spaces. (We may alter your text). Please include any links beginning with http:// NESEA reserves the right to edit submissions for grammar, style, and accuracy, and we may omit any events/news that we believe are not suitable for the site.
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