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Sealing the O&M Gap: Empowering Building Operators

A building operator and a board member will discuss the evolving role of operators and the importance of training and operations and maintenance (O&M). This session will also explore free training available for operators and ways management companies/employers can work with the 32BJ Training Fund. Speakers will describe ways the building community can help influence and support training and O&M to empower incumbent operators to move away from fossil fuels and be equipped for the challenges ahead.

Event Time: 

Thursday, September 15, 2022 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Room / Location: 

Club Parlor

CEU Information: 

Approved for one credit hour through AIA (LU), BOC, BPI, GBCI (O+M), NARI, Phius, and RESNET.

Learning Objectives:

  • Empower and collaborate with building operators, recognizing opportunities to ensure broader ownership and long-term success.
  • Identify and take advantage of opportunities to support building operator training.
  • Examine the project activities and communication within the building industry to determine the immediate training needs of building operators.
  • Leverage training to improve communication among building operators, owners/board members, and tenants, to improve tenant engagement and energy efficiency.

Session Documents: 

Session ID: 
