Lakeridge Trail
This owner-occupied home has two full-time residents. One resident spends 140 hr/wk in the home and the other, 90 hr/wk.
IRC 2012 with Boulder County Amendments, Type VB, not sprinklered. This residential project involved scraping an existing home to the slab-on-grade foundation except for the chimney. Other than minor foundation repairs, the primary element added was a 624 sq ft garage.
Type of Construction | Retrofit |
Number of buildings | 1 |
Bedrooms | 4 |
Bathrooms | 4.0 |
Stories | 2 |
Conditioned Building Volume | 48,586 cu ft |
Conditioned Floor Area | 3,820 sq ft |
Location and Climate Details
single-family residence
Address |
2861 N Lakeridge Trail Boulder, CO 80302
United States |
Location Type | Suburaban |
Climate Region | Zone 5 |
Köppen Climate Type | Dfb |
Lat. / Long. | POINT (-105.2912806 40.1382487) |
Elevation | 5,802 ft |
Solar Insolation | 5.52 kWh/m2/day |
Annual CDD and Base Temp | 1020 | 65 deg F |
Annual HDD and Base Temp | 5427 | 65 deg F |
This home is in a rural residential area with 80 homes around 40-acre Allen Lake. The house is located on a hillside 140 ft above and to the west of the lake.
Materials and Design Strategy
The house was built with Passivhaus design practices, including an ERV and tight envelope (CFM50 = 399, ACH50 = 0.49). Wall are 2"x6" with 4" of polyiso "nail base" insulation.