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Net positive energy with day to day transportation for 5 years running

General Energy Use, Strategies and Systems

Energy Use:

All electric home. Natural gas completely disconnected for 5 years now. 2 EV charging stations - 1 level 2, 1 level 1

Energy Strategies:

Increase efficiency thorough reasonable retrofits. Electrify everything by eliminating natural gas appliances. Convert automobiles to EVs. Monitor energy usage for a year. Install net-metered solar system sized to cancel out all the used electricity over the year.

Zero Net Energy Definition Used Site Energy Use

Monthly Energy Data and Utilities

Energy Data Type:
Electric Utility:
Gas Utility:
Datasets and utility bills:
Datasets and utility bills sources and reliability:

Completely reliable as the bills and usage data used are actual ones from PG&E.

Renewables and Energy Balance

Renewable Energy Sources:
Renewable energy is generated within the building footprint (e.g. solar PV on the roof)
Renewable Energy System Description & Details
40, 295 W Canadian solar mono-crystalline modules (CS6X-295M) meted with a Fronius 11.4 KW single phase inverter. The array faces 40% east, 40% west and 20% south. Half of the array is equipped with Tigo optimizers to optimize output.
Annual renewable energy generated 15,500 kWh
Annual Renewable Energy Generated Data Type Measured
Power Rating Renewable Energy System Type(s) Source of Annual Production Data
11,800Watts Photovoltaics Metered through remote monitoring and also displayed at the inverter panel.

Annual Energy Import/Export

Electricity amount (imported from grid) 11,000 kWh/year
Net electricity usage (purchased electricity) -1,500 kWh/year
Electricity amount (credited or exported to grid) 12,500 kWh/year