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Integrative Design Process (for real): Mapping Your Delivery Process

Most firms claim to practice integrative design, but that’s not reliably the case! With LEED’s new “IP” credit and increased demand for NZ buildings, it’s time to get real. Transforming the design process is not simply adding a kick-off charrette – it’s a systemic transformation that even can help overcome the typical dysfunctional dynamics between architects and engineers. In this roll-up-your-sleeves session, participants will dig in, deconstruct what they do on a “typical” project, and “ReDesign” the future to achieve a desired performance outcome. Participants leave with actionable items to put into practice immediately.

Session Speaker(s): 

Session Chair(s): 

Event Time: 

Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 10:30am to 12:00pm

Room / Location: 

Federal Complex

CEU Information: 


Learning Objectives: