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Help Us Meet Our $10,000 Match!

by Miriam Aylward

BE Boston Past RegistrantsBE NYC Past RegistrantsBusiness MemberGreen Company ManagerMember
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Abode Energy Management, proud NESEA Business Member, has generously offered to match up to $10,000 in donations and pledges made to NESEA's Annual Appeal before the end of the calendar year. Help us meet Abode's match by making a donation or a pledge today!

Dear NESEA Friends,

Participating in NESEA’s Annual Appeal is a way to directly support our community’s shared vision: a built environment in the Northeast that is climate neutral, adaptive and resilient, energy independent, architecturally inspiring, and supportive of connection and community.

Donations to the Annual Appeal are vital to the continued existence of our organization, in part because programming fees do not cover all of our expenses. We rely on the generosity of our community to support the member-driven, peer-reviewed, and cutting-edge content we offer throughout the year.

In addition to supporting our programming, Annual Appeal donations allow us to:

  • Implement measures to make NESEA more diverse and inclusive
  • Keep registration fees affordable
  • Respond quickly to new opportunities
  • Build organizational stability and resilience
  • Measure our impact

NESEA is an extraordinary community of practitioners that strives to transform our built environment by building relationships, sharing lessons learned, and challenging the status quo. Please consider making as generous a gift as you can before the end of the calendar year in support of our community’s shared vision.

With appreciation,

Miriam Aylward, NESEA Executive Director



Our Mission

NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.

As Director of People & Operations, Miriam is responsible for managing all aspects of the human resources and operational functions at HELM, and plays an integral role in developing and implementing strategies, procedures and business plans. She has worked with non-profits and mission-driven organizations for over 15 years.

Prior to joining HELM, Miriam served as Chief Operating Officer at Terra Praxis, a global nonprofit accelerating the integration of emission-free heat sources in existing energy infrastructure, and Executive Director of the Northeast Sustainable Energy...

Miriam Aylward's picture
BE Boston Past RegistrantsBE NYC Past RegistrantsBusiness MemberGreen Company ManagerMember

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