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Project Team


Other Team Members

Cellar Ridge Construction
Carson Benner- Project Manager

m.o.daby design
Matthew Daby- Designer

Earth Advantage
Waylon White- Certifier

Ratings, Awards and Recognition


Earth Advantage Net Zero Certified Home (2015)
Energy Star Version 3
Earth Advantage

The Modern Portland Residence design is a balance of sustainability, the client's needs, budget, and context. In order to save on precious floor area, energy use, and money, an efficient floor plan was developed exploring bold moves like eliminating the dining room and creating a built in bench with a dining table placed in the living area. Cellar Ridge created Portland's first 50/10 residential project. The goal of Cellar Ridge and the homeowners was to balance a budget with sustainability. The answer was to build the home with 50 percent more energy efficient than code at just 10 percent greater cost. The resulting home is certified Net Zero and Earth Advantage Platinum. The modern home includes an extensive air sealing package, a recycled metal roof prepped for a future solar array, a heat recover ventilator and VOC-free interior finishes for cleaner indoor air quality. The project resulted in an 1800-square-foot passive solar house with an open-concept living area that overlooks the backyard. "Being first-time homewoners, there's always the 'woulda, coulda shouldas,'" said the homeowner ((ROYAPET)), "but we're very happy with the house that we have."

For more information, visit our website at

Quick Facts


Location Portland, Oregon
Building Type single-family residence
Project Type Zero Energy
Basis of Performance Claim Modeled, Zero Energy Program
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 3.0
Conditioned Floor Area 1,800 sq ft

Energy Summary

Energy Data Type Modeled, Zero Energy Program
Renewable Energy System Type(s)

Earth Advantage Net Zero Certified Home (2015)
Energy Star Version 3
Earth Advantage

Envelope and Mechanicals

Door Assembly

Sierra Pacific Windows
douglas fur and pine

Air Changes per hour, ACH50 3.10 ACH50