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New Construction: Beyond Modeling to Real Data & Results

Over the past decade, energy modeling has been an important tool for pushing the design and construction industry toward high efficiency buildings. However, building performance post-construction is decoupled from this process and does not provide a critical feedback loop. In this session we compare modeled results to actual utility consumption data from a set of completed and occupied ENERGY STAR certified multifamily buildings, and discuss results of recent energy audits for context on operations and maintenance practices. We examine major design elements (envelope, HVAC, renewables) in an attempt to identify the most important factors driving electricity and fuel consumption as well as what design decisions were less influential.

Session Speaker(s): 

Event Time: 

Thursday, March 8, 2018 - 10:30am to 12:00pm

Room / Location: 

Marina 2

Experience Level: 

2 (some prior experience/knowledge helpful)

CEU Information: 

BOS18-108 - AIA 1.5 LU/HSW; BPI 1.5

Learning Objectives:

Session Documents: