As a Senior Clean Energy Specialist, Mr. Winner supports communities that are planning and implementing clean energy projects and climate mitigation and adaptation initiatives. He provides technical assistance to cities and towns participating in the Massachusetts Green Communities program. Mr. Winner also serves on the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council representing cities and towns and helps lead the organization’s efforts to expand access to clean energy for residents of affordable housing. He also serves on the Stewardship Council for the national Network for Energy Water and Health in Affordable Buildings (NEWHAB).
Mr. Winner has more than 15 years of experience assisting cities and towns with planning and executing clean energy transitions. Prior to joining MAPC, he worked as a Community Development Officer at the Island Institute in Rockland, Maine, supporting clean energy projects, capacity building, and leadership development with island communities in Maine and beyond. There, Mr. Winner coordinated the organization’s Community Energy and Leadership programs. He led the Island Institute’s award-winning efforts to lower energy costs through cost-effective energy efficiency measures, pioneering the Weatherization Week and Weatherize models for collective purchasing of residential weatherization and energy efficiency services. Mr. Winner also led the Bridging the Rural Efficiency Gap project, an initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) which explored the barriers to energy efficiency in rural states such as Alaska, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, and the innovative program designs, policies, and outreach models that are reducing those barriers. He was also a co-facilitator of the Islanded Grid Resource Center, an information hub for operators of remote power systems to share information and expertise on renewable energy, microgrids, energy storage, and energy efficiency.