Daniel Rieber has 27 years experience working in the field of energy efficiency. For four years Mr. Rieber performed energy audits and was a construction manager, in multi-family buildings for the Weatherization Department of New York City Housing Preservation and Development’s Energy Conservation Division. Currently, Mr. Rieber serves as the Weatherization Director at Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC). In that capacity he continues conducting energy audits and construction management for the Weatherization Assistance Program at NMIC. Dan is also an active board member of the Association For Energy Affordability (AEA) for the last 20 years and for the past six years a member of the NYSWDA board of directors. Dan is certified as an EPA Lead Paint Supervisor and has a BA degree from The State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dan has presented at past ACI conferences, National and Regional WAP conferences, NESEA and at each of the Multifamily Conferences held in NYC and Chicago.
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