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The Kate Goldstein Fund for Emerging Professionals

In 2014, NESEA established the Kate Goldstein Fund for Emerging Professionals to honor Kate Goldstein’s legacy of leadership, innovation, and ingenuity. 

Kate passed away in India at the age of 28 in 2014.  She was a Building Technology PhD student at MIT and a NESEA Board and Lifetime Member. Kate was an engaged and caring individual who served as an example of how we want our organization to support emerging professionals. 

As NESEA's Emerging Professionals Program has grown, the ways we use contributions to this fund have evolved. Donations go to support NESEA's efforts to recognize and support emerging leaders within our community as we continue to diversify our leadership and community in terms of age, race, and gender identity and other identity markers.

Specifically, the Kate Goldstein Fund for Emerging Professionals supports the following initiatives:

  • The administration of the Kate Goldstein Emerging Leader Award, which recognizes a NESEA Member early in their career for current and potential contributions to the organization
  • Providing assistance for individuals with the talent and commitment to serve on NESEA’s Board of Directors who would otherwise be barred for financial reasons (e.g., the expenses associated with traveling to/from board events and trainings)
  • A reserve fund that allows NESEA to provide special opportunities that may arise for our emerging professional members, such as participation in travel exchanges or programs
  • New: funding to provide early- to mid-career professionals the ability to participate in the BE the Future scholarship program in the role of sponsor

By tying donations made to this fund to the efforts above, we continue Kate’s legacy as an innovator, a connector, board member, and advocate for diversity within the NESEA community.

Impact of the Fund

Since its inception, this fund has provided scholarships for more than 50 individuals to participate in NESEA conferences, courses, and events and paid for NESEA Memberships that granted emerging professionals access to a suite of benefits and resources.

To date, the Kate Fund has raised over $60,000 to provide support for the next generation of leaders in sustainable building and renewable energy.

Make a contribution to the Kate Fund

Donate to the Kate Fund

In 2014, NESEA established the Kate Goldstein Fund for Emerging Professionals to honor Kate's legacy of leadership, innovation, and ingenuity.

Support the Kate Fund

Our Mission

NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.