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General Energy Use, Strategies and Systems

Energy Use:

The house it grid tied with 7.7KW PV array mounted on site atop two poles.There are no trackers on the PV, but the owner alters the tilt twice a year to optimise performance.

Energy Strategies:

The owner guessed at the annual energy usage and sized his PV array based on those estimates. Since moving onto the house in 2010, the owner has monitored and reported a small new over-production of electrical energy averaged over the course of each year.
Space conditioning is by a ground source heat pump and a dual fuel arrangement with propane back-up.

Zero Net Energy Definition Used Site Energy Use

Monthly Energy Data and Utilities

Energy Data Type:
Electric Utility:
Lake States Power Electrical Cooperative
Datasets and utility bills:
PDF icon 2011_stats.pdf29.71 KB

Renewables and Energy Balance

Renewable Energy Sources:
Renewable energy is generated on-site but not on the building (e.g. wind turbine in the parking lot)
Renewable Energy System Description & Details
7.74 KW, pole mounted array. Kyocera panels made in Mexico. Two poles, each with a 3x6 panel array. KD215GX-LPU panels rated at 14.5% efficient.
Annual renewable energy generated 10,450 kWh
Annual Renewable Energy Generated Data Type Measured
Power Rating Renewable Energy System Type(s) Source of Annual Production Data
7,740Watts Photovoltaics, Geothermal Annual production data is from the home owner's data collection and spreadsheet(s). He has reported that he has been a small net exporter each year since the systems have been commissioned.

Annual Energy Import/Export

Electricity amount (imported from grid) 9,911 kWh/year
Electricity amount (credited or exported to grid) 10,861 kWh/year