
Completion date


Occupancy statement:
For the 12-month period before the inverter failure the house was occupied 353 days (12 days of vacation) and 428 person days.

Days per year Building is fully occupied:


Type of Construction New
Number of buildings 1
Floor area of each building 1,740
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 2.5
Stories 2
Conditioned Floor Area 1,740 sq ft

Location and Climate Details

Single-Family Residence

47 W. Seminary Street
Brandon, VT 05733
United States
Location Type Suburaban
Climate Region Zone 6
Köppen Climate Type Dfb
Lat. / Long. POINT (-73.0865924 43.8029984)
Elevation 481 ft
Solar Insolation 3.69 kWh/m2/day (DNI)
Annual CDD and Base Temp 274 | 70
Annual HDD and Base Temp 7286 | 65

Materials and Design Strategy

Special architectural measures:

The 45º angle of the roof not only optimizes the solar collection, but also sheds snow quickly, and it provides excellent high-ceiling storage space, much needed in a house on a slab.

The few north-facing windows are triple-glazed, and the large south-facing windows and skylights keep the house toasty warm on the coldest of sunny winter days, while being shaded in the summer by the large overhang of the roof. There is no need for air conditioning. The windows provide splendid natural light, supplemented, when needed, by florescent lighting. Insulating shades, which open from top or bottom, provide flexibility in privacy and shading. The open design, with its upstairs loft and cathedral ceiling, lets the warm air and light circulate through the whole house. All living areas but the study have natural light from windows to the south.