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General Finances

Total restoration/renovation costs = $125,000 (over 5 years)*
*Original purchase of building and property was $224,000
State Historic Preservation Tax Credit Incentives = $19,000
Net cost after SHPO Tax Credit: $106800.

Total Cost of Project $106,800
Cost per sq ft of conditioned space $84.00
Value of Tax Credits for renewable energy systems
Net Cost of renewable energy systems $15,560

Savings and Revenue

Annual Electric Savings $2,800
Annual Revenue from SRECs or other RE credits $935

Rebates and Financial Incentives

Other incentives

PV system design and installation cost(s) = $15,560 (after incentives)
PV 8.1kw Sunpower with Enphase Microinverters installed by The Solar Specialists November 2010
$56,000 total cost (approx. $7 installed watt)
[NOTE: Cost in summer 2015 is $3 per installed watt in Ann Arbor area for residential solar]
TOTAL Incentives = $40,440
-$15,000 for 30% Federal Tax Credit
-$19,440 for $2.40 utility company upfront credit -$6,000 for Sunpower marketing credit