Tales from the Trenches: Passive House Ventilation Commissioning Best Practices
Hear tales from the trenches regarding ventilation approaches within the context of the Passive House certification standard. This standard has set a high benchmark for low-energy buildings and is widely known as the most rigorous energy efficiency standard currently available. However, the ventilation systems and their interfacing with heat pumps are relatively new to the industry and need to be executed correctly. This discussion will draw from the experiences of commissioning ERV/HRV systems on Passive House retrofit and new construction projects and demonstrate the various execution paths for multifamily and commercial buildings across NYC.
Session Speaker(s):
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CEU Information:
Approved for 1 credit hour toward AIA (LU|HSW), BPI, GBCI (BD+C, ID+C, O+M, WELL), and BOC certification. Credit is offered for the full conference day toward NARI, PHI, Phius, and RESNET certification.
Learning Objectives:
- Analyze common passive house ventilation system designs, layouts, and components pertaining to the performance and field installations
- Demonstrate through examples common problem areas related to the implementation and operation of high-performance ventilation systems
- Recommend ways to design for best ventilation performance based upon lessons learned
- Describe the Passive House certification criteria and the actual performance necessary for ventilation systems to be within compliance
Session Documents: