At the Finish Line- How Two Affordable Passive Projects Crossed the Hardest Hurdles

Multifamily Passive House new construction can be built today for low incremental cost and dramatic energy reduction. Join us for a review of eight affordable passive house projects, demonstrating that Passive House buildings in the Northeast are regularly achieving 60% to 80% lower energy use per square foot than code-built. Learn what has been hardest, what has been surprisingly easy, and what teams would do differently next time from two affordable Passive House projects built in Massachusetts: SquirrelWood in Cambridge and Harbor Village in Gloucester. Find out how these projects are getting to the Passive House finish line, especially with challenging requirements related to air infiltration and balanced ventilation requirements.

Session Chair(s): 

Event Time: 

Monday, February 28, 2022 - 10:30am to 12:00pm

Room / Location:
Harbor 1-2

CEU Information: 

Attendance for each full conference day offers 4.5 credit hours for both RESNET and MA CSL licensure.

CEU Credits: 

GBCI: 1.5 Hours (BD+C, WELL)
NARI: 1.5 Hours
PHIUS: 1 Hour

Learning Objectives:

  • Summarize the highest incremental cost categories in Passive House multifamily projects and the scale of incremental costs needed to achieve certification
  • Verify the range of energy use per square foot in built Passive House projects and how that compares to code built comparable buildings
  • Plan for design team communication to help anticipate sequencing and constructability challenges for contactors and subs during passive house construction and resolve them early
  • Analyze benefits and challenges in strategies that can help achieve final whole building air infiltration and balanced ventilation requirements of Passive House

Session ID: 


Session Documents: