General Process

House aesthetic and floor plan designed by Northeast Collaborative Architects with input from CCHC regarding function. CCHC staff member completes NESEA Net Zero Homes course and applies lessons learned to ensure the house will function as Net Zero.

Design for Adaptability:

There are 16 remaining house lots to build on. If this design proves popular it can be used over and over again. Also, the most cost effective features of these houses have been incorporated into the design and construction of all other single family homes CCHC develops. So far the result of this is 6 affordable land trust homes being built to zero energy ready and being sold for $150,000. All of these homes will be finished by June of 2016 with Purchase and Sales Agreement in place with buyers for all of these homes.

Software Tools

Software Tools:


General modeling information:

Mark Rosenbaum's software that is provided in the Zero Energy Homes class.

Lessons Learned

Outcome of project goals:

Keeping cost of construction to as close to the standard for a conventionally built home built "on spec" wasn't achieved because of the SIP roof which was expensive both in material and labor costs as compared to a truss built roof. This SIP roof was used because the house is not a full 2 stories it is a 1 3/4 story home with dormers and cathedral ceilings. If a full 2 story design had been started with savings would have resulted from the simple roof design, lack of dormers, and ability to use blown in cellulose insulation in the attic.


Not yet able to do actual measurements.